Welcome to Inorganic5
Inorganic5 has changed addresses/locations again.
The old address, inorganic5.fdt.net, is invalid.
The new address is www.lewis.org. Hopefully, this is an address I can keep
If you can't tell, my day (and night) jobs keep me from doing much in the
way of web page maintenance.
This page has been changed very little over the past five years.
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This is an experimental Web server running on a virtual PC at FDT. The
486 it ran on until recently died. The motherboard was replaced, and then
the main hard drive started acting flakey. Soon it will move to a brand new
Pentium. It began life as a 386 running KA9Q NOS under MS DOS.
The KA9Q based server was written by Ashok Aiyar, a graduate student at CWRU. Inorganic5 now runs
the Apache HTTPD under Linux.
This site is maintained/neglected by Jon Lewis, System Admin, Atlantic.Net.
An HTML version of my resumé is available here.
My wife Gail has
her resumé here too.
Here's a picture of me and my wife, Gail. It's a 16 shade gif from a
borrowed Connectix QuickCam connected to my home Linux box. Those of you
who saw the image that used to be here will probably agree that the picture
quality from this $90 "toy" rivals that of the Indy workstation camera the old
one came from.
- This WWW server runs on my experimental Linux system and is perpetually
under construction. If "anything unusual" happens,
please let me know about it.
- If these pages don't quite look right, maybe it's your browser. I'm
using more netscape extensions to HTML every day. The graphic at the left
of this text, for instance, is a server push animation that requires
Netscape 1.1N in order to display.
You can get recent
versions of netscape for Win3x, Mac, and Linux here.
There have been
accesses to this page since January 10, 1995
This page was last modified Saturday, 02-Sep-2000 00:14:43 EDT